Is FINX wallet extension safe?

FINX Wallet is equipped with considerable security features that make it a reasonably safe software wallet. As long as users are careful with their encrypted password, there is no reason to worry about information hack.

What is FINX contract address?

The FINX BEP20 Official Contract Address is:


Can I use FINX wallet along with other wallet extension?

No, you cannot. FINX wallet extension is not suitable to be used with other wallet extension, so you will have to disable your other wallet extension(s) before you use the FINX wallet.

So if you are having trouble connecting FINX wallet, try a little troubleshoot as below:

  1. Click [Extensions] -> [Manage Extensions]

  2. Jump to the management page to close similar plug-in wallet(s) and only keep the FINX Chrome wallet, return to the interface to refresh and re-link the FINX Chrome wallet.

I having issue with mobile FINX extension.

Unfortunately, our FINX wallet extension is not optimised for mobile web. For best user experience, please choose either Google Chrome, Brave or Firefox browser to enjoy it.

Where can I purchase FINX NFT?

The FINX NFT will be launching soon so stay tune to our social media channel for the official date and time announcement. You can find our social media channels in the contact section.

What is the benefit(s) of FINX NFT?

You can read more on the NFT Benefit on the Xyrica NFT Benefits section.

FINX Genesis NFT - Xyrica

When FINX token be listed?

FINX token will only be listed after the public sales is done. To participate in FINX public sales, please refer to the Public Sales section.

Public Sales

How do I purchase FINX token?

For now, you won’t be able to purchase FINX token anywhere aside from FINX airdrop. The FINX Token will be available in major exchange once public sales is done. Refer to the Public Sales section for more details.

Public Sales

How do I participate in the FINX public sales?

You can participate in the FINX Public Sales via FINX INO. You can also purchase FINX genesis NFT and earn FINX token when you burn it. Refer to the INO and Public Sale section for more details.


I can't find an answer for my question here, where can I get assistance?

If you can’t find an answer on the FAQ section, you can seek help from our Discord community which is active 24/7.

Last updated